cradle 3 was updated by boblu
Wednesday Jul 07
milestone -
cradle 3 was created by boblu 11:25 AM milestone
Do not show Dummy word by defaultwas updated by boblu 11:24 AM ticket -
and/or search have no difference when selecting one dictionarywas updated by boblu 11:24 AM ticket -
check if dummy word exists when creating new dummywas updated by boblu 11:24 AM ticket -
adopt blueprint css framework and modify actions to fit iewas updated by boblu 11:23 AM ticket -
get rid of the ugly timestamp selection listwas updated by boblu 11:23 AM ticket -
add rss title in cooliriswas updated by bobluFriday Jul 31
ticket -
add a function to change default loca... was created by boblu
Saturday Jul 18
ticket -
add rss title in cooliris was created by boblu 07:30 PM ticket